Universal Design: ADA,
Barrier-free, Accessories, Transitions, Material Concepts
Thu, Sep 16, 2021 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (CDT)
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121
Access Code: 963-995-957
Allyson Humphries
Points Covered:
- Explain Universal Design ADA, accessibility, aging in place and how they enhance the comfort to building occupants.
- Understand how accessories and hardware assist barrier free access for bath, shower, toilet rooms, and wet areas.
- Examine how profiles, transitions and materials are used in modern installations for improved safety and quality of life.
- Identify materials concepts that will contribute to wellness and healthier buildings.
This program will study universal design including using accessibility, floor heating, sound reduction and improved indoor air concepts to improve quality of life for building occupants. Aging in place and barrier free are key in providing enhanced quality of all visiting, dwelling and working in building using these concepts in design. Quality of life concepts such as accessibility, improved air, floor heating, and sound reduction will be examined. Attendees will acquire knowledge and understanding options for using accessories, grab bars, seats, linear drains, organizational hardware, niches, level entry showers, transitions, and trim.